
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Trying to get drunk off fruits - DIY Juice Cleanse (Recipes Later)

It's final exam seasons for me and I've been munching on a lot of junk and drinking a lot of rockstars. A few days ago I noticed how bloated I was getting so I thought I'd give these bad boys a try.

Now my goal here isn't to lose weight. I've been having really bad digestive problems for the past year and have been into the emergency a few times. I'm supposed to get some colonoscopy done, but god knows when that is happening because doctors are the most helpful people on earth *rolls eyes*. (I'll get into my topic of that another time. DRAMA.)

I don't have all the time in the world to do this cleanse, and maybe I will properly do a longer cleanse next time. But so far its Day 1 out of 2.

It's not particularly too hard to drink these juices, since I think I eat pretty clean in general. I'm not a big meat eater. My diet pretty much consists of rabbit food + seafood and the occasional chicken. I love seafood, and I will probably die from mercury poisoning one day. (Which is also another reason I committed to this cleanse).

Although my eating habit is clean, I don't have the cleanest lifestyle. I occasionally like to drink one, two..maybe 15 shots in one sitting. And a night consists of multiple sittings. I like wine, which is healthy. But I don't do glasses. I do them by the bottle... one, two...three!?

There's no quick fixes to the damages i've done to my body. I know, I have a science degree and I work at the hospital. But it doesn't kill to give my digestive system a vacation time. You deserve it intestines!

So here are my juices. I don't own a juicer, so it was a tedious task to blend and filter my juices. I'm missing two other juices here, but I'm so full from these four i just can't handle another ounce of liquid.

2 Green Juices, 1 Green Juice with added Ginger and a Citrus juice to lighten up the day

This cleanse I'm DIY-ing consists of 6 juices. You drink these 2 hours apart.

My schedule was:
8:00 Green Juice
10:00 Grapefruit Juice
12:00 Green Juice + Ginger
2:00 Spicy Lemonade (Which I just couldn't gurgle down)
4:00 Green Juice
6:00 A nice glass of Almond milk

I don't usually, or try not to, eat after 7pm. It gives my system time to metabolize the contents.

This was my first one. I have to say this one tasted pretty amazing. My classmates, being male predominent and eats crap, agreed that my greens in a glass tasted pretty awesome. Maybe next time we can throw in some vodka in there as celebration. Just kidding. not really. I'm dying of alcohol. 

My Green Juice which I could drink gallons of

Overall, all my juices tasted really good. Minus that spicy lemonade. Holy crap, it was hard to gurgle down. So hard that I just didn't bother.

I'll post updates on the contents and preparation of the mini DIY juice cleanse in a bit. I'll also share with you where I got these ideas from ;) so just you wait! Follow my blog with Bloglovin

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