I must be the world’s worst person at blogging. I get so caught up with life and then I have 0 time. But this is for real a complete restart. 

A new me.
I’m K. I grew up in Vancouver. Throughout my entire youth I was a super nerd. I studied hard, and on my spare time I played hard…..on the piano. For fun I did math drills and maybe played some Final Fantasy and Tekken…. maybe played a lot. Yes. I am your typical asian with the typical crazy asian mother.
I remember one year, I had 1 B on my report card. My mother flip the shi* at me in a restaurant and I balled my eyes out. I got a B in PE! Don’t get me wrong, I was athletic. I was on the volleyball team and….yes….badminton team. I played badminton for a club as well! I got a B because my PE teacher was a big DOU**.
Growing up was a toughy. I was always teased for being a chubster. I didn’t care… then puberty hit, and I was STILL a chubster. I cared tons.
After highschool I finally got to meet the real world. I fell out with friends, made new friends, grew apart from friends and made new friends. I went in and out and in and out of relationships. I’m not really good at this whole relationship ordeal.
So here’s me. All bare and completely new to the world once again. I’m walking into society andgetting ready to step out into the real working world. Wish me luck!
- K
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